First: The Breck Girl received a dagger in the back.....ummm, I mean to say he received an endorsement from former president Carter. Mr Peanut had this to say about Pretty Boy Edwards:
Translated as: "I can say without a doubt, the Breck Girl will destroy this country far faster than I ever did!"
I can say without equivocation that no one who is running for president has presented anywhere near as comprehensive and accurate a prediction of what our country ought to do in the field of environmental quality, in the field of health care for those who are not presently insured, for those who struggle with poverty
Say goodbye to Mr Edwards' campaign.
Next: PBS consulted with the Dear Leader prior to nixing "Islam versus Islamists: Voices from the Muslim Center"
Who is this Dear Leader you say! Surely I am not suggesting that we have communist-like censors running PBS!
Well, it seems that PBS in all its liberal wisdom let the Nation Of Islam preview the documentary first before deciding to air it. the NOI apparently didn't like it (ie: the truth is a bitch) and was a primary voice in getting it removed from the play list.
Oh, and get this; America at the Crossroads was touted as a series of documentaries presenting all sides of the story, but they decided not to air the program because:
...was overly subjective and one-sided. They thus decided against airing it as part of the series.Yup, all sides of the story all right....all sides except the one we don't like. Free speech for me but not for thee and such. You know the leftoid drill.
Finally: Some good news.
From NewsMax:
If Marine Col. Jeffrey Chessani is exonerated of the charges against him he may haul Pennsylvania Democratic Congressman John Murtha, into court, suing him for libel, one of his lawyers told
Murtha is an EX-Marine.
I would never soil the Corps' name by calling him a Former Marine.
Yeah, yeah.. I know an Ex-marine is a dead marine. Well in my eyes any Marine who would libel his own Corps as Murt-tard did is dead to me.