
The traveling zoo came to Fargo today!!!

AKA: Dennis Kucinich campaigned in Fargo today!

from a communist hell report:

Dennis Kucinich brought his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination to Fargo Tuesday. Despite a poor showing in the polls, the Ohio congressman believes he still has a shot at the party's presidential nomination

A shot at the nomination? yeah, a shot in hell....

The piece continues with this gem from a local Fargo idiot:

Standing in the crowd, Deb Pullen says she plans to vote for Kucinich in the North Dakota caucus.

"I think he stands for all the issues that I think are important," says Pullen. "I think he's a very non-egotistical, sincere candidate, who really is a public servant."

NON-EGOTISTICAL!!!!! Are you on fucking crack! This shit-fer-brains just waltzed around Syria, giving Assad a hummer, all the while giving the finger to the U.S.A. If that isn't ego, I don't know what is. Stupid twit.


Sorry, I have to make this short as I have much work to do, but we'll end with Dennis' denial of reality:

Although he's trailing in the polls in Iowa, Kucinich believes the race for the Democratic presidential nomination is far from over.

"I think that many people haven't made up their minds. That's certainly true in Iowa -- that people, even at this late date, are still thinking about who they're going to vote for. And so for those elections that are a few weeks off, there is plenty of time,"


Thanks a bunch for this stain on humanity northern Ohio....stay home and don't vote next time, mmmkayy?

One last thing.....HOW in thee HELL did this happen?!

Is she sane, are they a match made in Heaven, or both equally as stupid?

I wonder if the carpet matches the drapes. :>


We need a vaccine for BDS...another WTF! People.

From the seatlepi.com:

It seems that Matt Hasselbeck and Mack Strong's visit with the president while he was in town has garnered some affection from BDS sufferers that we all recognize too well.

Some examples:

"How dare Hasselbeck declare Bush an honorary Seahawk," wrote one. "Who is Matt speaking for? Bush is no Seahawk. He is the worst president of my lifetime, and I'm almost 60. Shame on you, Matt."

"To learn that two of the most popular Seahawks are strong (Bush) supporters ruins the season for me and my family," wrote another.

And Timothy P. wrote: "Just goes to show you that being a great athlete doesn't make you smart."

Well alrighty then. Someone forgot their meds

At least one sane person commented on the comments above:

"He's the president of the United States. You liberals are the nastiest, most hateful people I know. I'm ashamed of Seattle."

Amen brother!

At least Hasselbeck and Strong have their heads on straight:

Added Hasselbeck: "I don't understand. This is America. We're not going to agree on everything."

Strong doesn't get it either, saying: "Any time you have a world leader come to your city, you should welcome him whether you like the person or not. That was the right thing to do."

But Matt, don't you understand?! Obviously the re-education camps (Public Screw-el) didn't do their job on you. You can think for yourself and you respect other's opinions; how dare you!

geezus lefties give me a headache. How can a once sane political ideology get hijacked in such a short amount of time by the most hateful people there are?

very sad.



WTF People. Are you -REALLY- offended?

I say bullshit. You aren't offended, not in the least. You want your 15minutes of fame, notoriety and the stigma of taking down a big college and it's logo.


What am I talking about, why this logo of course. The "Fighting Sioux" logo of the University of North Dakota.

I think it kicks ass. If I were a Sioux tribe member I would be proud that I am represented as powerful yet with a dignified poise. Do the Sioux deny their warrior heritage? Or are they upset that past stereotypes and portrayals still stick in -some- peoples' minds? I think that is their problem. Kids these days aren't even allowed to play tag, much less "Cowboys and Injuns!".....hell would get expelled for pointing a frigging finger gun at someone these days. pansies.

Would you rather the logo was this?

Now that would upset me, as it makes me appear not-quite-sane.

No. I think the real issue is the do-gooder PC crowd got their panties in a bunch when Ralph Engelstad built his shrine; err I mean built his hockey arena for the University.

Now, Ralph, being no dummy, made sure that the logo would never, ever get removed (at least not cheaply) from his arena that he forked over 100mil for. There are sioux logo's everywhere IN marble. haha. I love it.

Well Ralph basically gave the finger to the PC wussies and whiners, and they gave up for awhile. Now it seems to have resurrected itself , with certain old North Dakota politicians trying to act dignified and edumacated by suggesting that now we should really get rid of the logo once and for all.

Puhlease. Like some old fart politician I am supposed to esteem is going to make me feel guilty about a fuggin PICTURE. Geezus people, get a life.

If you have problems with a PICTURE you have issues other than the supposed esteem problems this logo is supposedly causing you.

You need medication, and some psychiatric help.


...and grow up.


Get a Rope

...and some Duct Tape too. I need to secure my head before it blows all over my monitor.

Goebbels must be laughing with glee now that his methods are being used to a great extent by the LSM. Now here comes Brian dePalma with the latest piece of Hollywood propaganda.


This is de Palma's latest piece of shit, and attempt to influence Americans into leaving Iraq

Let me drop a few of his choice quotes first

The movie is an attempt to bring the reality of what is happening in Iraq to the American people,
You mean there is a war! No frigging way! Damn, I thought we were playing dump truck in a really big sand box all this time.
The pictures are what will stop the war. One only hopes that these images will get the public incensed enough to motivate their Congressmen to vote against this war
Yeah....we don't get any images of IED's on a daily basis. None whatsoever.

"In Vietnam, when we saw the images and the sorrow of the people we were traumatizing and killing, we saw the soldiers wounded and brought back in body bags. We see none of that in this war," De Palma said.

"It's all out there on the Internet, you can find it if you look for it, but it's not in the major media. The media is now really part of the corporate establishment," he said.

You mean, soldiers have died? Hell, I could swear that the LSM takes every chance it gets to pronounce loudly when a soldier is killed. But seeing as mr de Palma declares that the media is now a part of the corporate establishment....I guess we will hear only about the good things that are happening now in Iraq. Whew. He had me worried for a second.

Lest I be accused of cherry picking items from the story and not "telling all sides":

Abeer Qasim Hamza al-Janabi was gang raped, killed and burnt by American soldiers in Mahmudiya, south of Baghdad, in March 2006. Her parents and younger daughter were also killed.
Five soldiers have since been charged with the attack. Four of them have been given sentences of between 5 and 110 years.

So we had a group of punk ass soldiers that did something heinous and evil. They have been punished and removed from society like all goblins should be.

OK, remember Goebbels?? The Art of Propaganda?
Select a few facts that back your case.
Create (make it up) a story around those facts.
Make your case appear as the Good Side.
Make your opponent appear as the Bad Side
Fictionalize where necessary while maintaining that what you are doing is good, and needed
De Palma has successfully created a propaganda piece. It is NOT a movie. It is a pure propaganda piece. I don't care that he made it, that is his right. I do care, however that he is trying to push it off as a "Documentary". As a real documentary it would fail.

You cannot, in good faith, create a documentary about soldier atrocities without showing the atrocities that our soldiers see from the enemy also. One must show possible cause and effects, right?

If de Palma wanted to be genuine he would show ALL the horrible aspects of the war....stupid soldiers AND the psycho Islamonazis as well. He would show images of contractor beheadings, lynchings and burnings, families executed to coerce a village's submission, IED's in market places-killing civilians.

Do we see that in this film? No.

THIS IS PURE PROPAGANDA. And he has the balls to claim that the LSM is part of the corporate machine. Translation: a propaganda machine....

Pot-kettle-black much Brian?

I can assume de Palma will come out with documentaries detailing the atrocities of, thus calling for the withdraw of:

-UN peace keepers and their sexual misconduct wherever they are stationed.
-Illegal immigrants committing vicious crimes against our "children"

UN out of U.S. now!!!!
Illegal Immigrants out of U.S. now!


Oh, one more thing: Stay the fuck in Venice Brian. We don't want you back.