
Man-up time in Canuckistan

Taken from fivefeetoffury.com ;

She covers, and comments on it quite well, so I thought I would pass it along.


Mark Steyn's "typically snubbing manner"?, eh?

Hmmm, shouldn't questionable grammar be illegal, too? (After all, it "offends" me and may even inspire me to commit a "hate crime" myself one of these days.) Ya gotta love that mysterious free floating "they".

What about poor spelling, like "blatent"? "Querries"?

How about getting your facts wrong, like stating that the "Free Mark Steyn" blog was started by Mark Steyn when it wasn't? In fact, a five-second google reveals it to be the brainchild of the intrepid "binkie".

Worse, stating that "Muslims are the biggest victims of hate crimes today."

When in fact they are the biggest perps of fake hate crimes today.

Luckily for us all, non-lawyers were availabe to, you know, actually check the FBI data:

Anti-Black 3,136
Anti-Jewish 1,027
Anti-White 1,008
Anti-Male Homosexual 881
Anti-Hispanic 770
Anti-Female Homosexual 192
Anti-Islamic 191

Now, here on Planet Normal, when something is at the bottom of a list, that means it is the smallest thing on the list. But I don't have a law degree so I obviously don't know what the hell I'm on about.

Cliche watch: ignorance of the law is indeed no excuse. However, contempt for ridiculous, fascistic laws is a noble tradition.

Steyn isn't ignorant. He is contemptuous and rightly so.

"Hate crime" laws are stupid and need to be protested. Hate is a feeling and feelings can't be crimes (unless you're one of the twisted liberals at blogs like these).

And note the pedantic, snooty little side trip to define "slander". No, you morons: Steyn is asking aloud whether speaking in a "typically snubbing manner" (whatever that is) will one day be actionable too, if twits like you get to rule the nation. He's not wondering whether or not you slandered him.

God, the nimble minds at work here.

Aren't you glad these guys will one day be helping you sell your home and divorce your wife and get outta jail?

Oh, then they say it is just "matter of time" before some hatemonger attributes his violent actions to Steyn's words.

Look out! Some purely imaginary asshole from the unknowable Philip K. Dick future may shirk responsibility for his crimes and blame Steyn, or Twinkies.

(Oh wait, that was the past, and it really happened. Know why? A lawyer thought up the Twinkie defence and a crazy guy got 5 years in jail for killing two politicians. Another highlight in humanity's moral evolution, brought to you by... a lawyer.)

But no matter: Let's harrass Mark Steyn rather than just laughing at the (imaginary) killer (of the imaginary future) then locking him up. In Future Jail. Unless he ate Twinkies.

Welcome to the Magical Land of Upside Down inhabited by attorneys and other brainwashed Establishment dorks. That they presume to pronounce upon important matters when they're too lazy and stupid to get their facts or even their words right tells you all you need to know.

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