
Gore Wins Nobel: Proves it is a joke.


alGore won his peace prize.

Trophy and cash in hand:

Congratulations alGore. Enjoy the prize that is now deemed no better than a 25cent plastic ring from a gum ball machine.

Some previous examples of esteemed Nobel Peace Prize winners:

Mohamed Elbaradei: Yeah, that guy. He and the IAEA are complete failures at everything they do. Yet they are awarded a prize for promoting peace. Bullshit. It was a political award pure and simple. That is all it is.

From Timesonline regarding his award:

In the past eight years, they have failed to detect covert nuclear programmes in at least three countries - and failed to get diplomatic purchase on the problems when others have finally brought them to light. That does not amount to a contribution to world peace.

Jimmah Cahtuh: Do I really need to explain the asininity of this one? This guy wants to bugger Hugo Chavez fer fucks sake.

Rigoberta Menchu Tum: The notorius Guatemalan liar and author of I, Rigoberta Menchu, which was her autobiography found to be almost completely fabricated.

To prove my point that the truth does not matter to leftoids: When she was outed as a liar and found to have fabricated her book, the professors and advocates of Rigoberta were UPSET! Mad, I tell you! Mad at whom though? Well, mad at the anthropologist that exposed her for what she was. Then!!! Then, they pulled out their usual sleeve card and started crying Racist Bastard! They claimed that the "racists" were trying to discredit a great humanitarian and writer who should be held in high regard because she won the "Peace Prize". pfft.

Yasser Arafat: Just as bad as Jimmah. I don't have to explain this one. terrorist ftw!!!!

Kofi Anan and the U.N.: Okie Dokie! Nothing to see here, just move along, ignore the rapes, child prostitution and oil-for-food, and nevermind the nepotism, and...and well you get the point.

Now that you know how political and useless the award has become, let me at least present to you a few of the winners that actually deserved it:

ELIE WIESEL , U.S.A., Chairman of 'The President's Commission on the Holocaust'. Author, humanitarian.
LECH WALESA , Poland. Founder of Solidarity, campaigner for human rights.
MOTHER TERESA , India, Leader of the Order of the Missionaries of Charity.
MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. , leader of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, campaigner for civil rights.

Those are some of the "real" winners, and the most deserving. Most everyone else was political and a complete joke.

For a prize that could really, truly be used to bring peace in certain areas of the world, it is sad to see it degraded so. Thus I have decided to rename it for what it is:

The Nobel PieceOfShit Prize

Congrats alGore, on your peaceofshit.


Duct Tape Alert: Gore and the Nobel Prize

From The Sunday Times

THE environmental campaigner Al Gore is being tipped as a favourite to win the Nobel peace prize in Oslo this Friday in a controversial move that could place saving the planet above saving people from war and conflict.

The law of unintended consequences: The usual Democrat socialist-pig credo.

Gore, a former American vice-president and failed presidential candidate, has reinvented himself as the “Goracle” with a rock star following after presenting last year’s Oscar-winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth, about the dangers of climate change.

David Koresh had a "rock-star" following too.

He was nominated for the Nobel prize jointly with Sheila Watt-Cloutier, a Canadian Inuit activist who has campaigned about the effect of climate change on Arctic peoples.

“A prerequisite for winning the Nobel peace prize is making a difference and Al Gore has made a difference,” said Boerge Brende, a former Norwegian environment minister who nominated Gore and Watt-Cloutier.
You have got to be kidding me. Gore..making a difference? If lining his pockets with carbon-credit-cash bought by the friggin lemmings that believe this shit, then yeah, he has made a big difference. In fact I bet he is planning on expanding his house with the "difference" he has made...then buying his own offsets to make up for all the electricity he needs to use to run it.

“I think they are likely winners this year,” said Stein Toennesson, director of Oslo’s International Peace Research Institute. The winner will receive $1.5m (£750,000) in prize money.

Gore spent last year assessing whether he ought to run for the White House in 2008, teasing his supporters by saying, “I haven’t completely ruled it out”, and prompting observers to keep a close eye on his girth for signs that he was slimming for a presidential bid.

Oh, please....run alGore, run...please...run.

Some commentators in America, including the British writer Christopher Hitchens, believe he could use a Nobel win to challenge Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination.

“Can he stand to watch another Clinton walk away with a nomination that could have been, or could still be, his?” Hitchens asked. Close supporters believe the answer is yes. Gore appears to have concluded that the Democrats are satisfied with their candidates.

There just aren't enough words to describe my "WTF" moment I am having after reading this. I guess the hippies are truly ensconced in positions of authority in entities that were once held in high esteem. Nobel prize for Gore...c'mon people; a prize for schlepping an ideology that is not proven, lining his pockets with cash from it all the while not doing a damn thing that he preaches.

Yes, I am a Global Warming Denier

So fuck off.

It just proves to me something that I have been thinking for some time. Basically a Nobel peace prize like this, the piece of paper and whatever trophy they hand out for it are about as important to me as the toilet paper that I use to wipe shit off my ass. It is about as impressive as an ivy league shingle now a days.

I imagine that the assclown will win his prize, and his head will grow even larger to match the proportions of his fat ass. I will give alGore some credit for reducing global warming: He kills a lot of cows, thus reducing cow farts, to feed his fat ass cheeseburgers all day.

Geezus this world is full of fucking idiots.

Sorry for the recent absence. Work has been absolutely nuts these past few weeks, thus raging about stoopid people took a back seat for awhile.
